Understanding Approval Testing and Its Benefits

Approval Testing

Software testing methods such as approval testing compare code outputs to previously authorized outcomes. This technique expedites the production of tests, streamlines test management, and effectively identifies unintentional modifications. It helps team members collaborate and improves knowledge of the code. Approval Testing provides a simplified method of guaranteeing software quality and consistency over time by concentrating on output comparison instead of intricate assertions.

Understanding Approval Testing

Approval testing is a software testing technique that is used to test the functionality of a given code or program in order to obtain its right output. The main concept of this approach is to verify that the result produced by the code under testing is identical to the result previously accepted. That is why it is called approval testing.  In approval testing, the tester first executes a part of code and stores the result of that code. This output is reviewed and stored as the “approved” result of the productive system.

1. Detecting Unintentional Changes

One advantage of approval testing is that it can identify interactions that were not intended as well. The given code often changes while the business logic remains the same but the output varies slightly. Approval testing achieves this by pointing out any changes that may have occurred and which may not be part of the approved output. The monitoring of output via approval testing means that the quality of work remains constant over the long term.

2. Simplifying Test Maintenance

This is particularly so because approval testing makes the process of maintaining the test over time much easier. Originally, testers spend a significant amount of time synchronizing test assertions with the expected result and new code. In approval testing, test maintenance can be simply a matter of reviewing new outputs and approving them.

The efficiency arises from the comparison with other measurements instead of making physical inspections. This means that testers only deal with approvals and not struggling with low level test scripts as it used to be.

3. Accelerating Test Creation

Another advantage of approval testing is the quick generation of new tests by the author. As it is with any other testing approach, writing out the assertions and expected results can sometimes be more of a waste of time. Unlike the approval testing, this simply reuses the output from the code under test. This is true because approval testing does not require one to work on formulating the expected outputs as is the case with other testing approaches; thus, it allows the testers to come up with new test cases much faster.

4. Improving Code Understanding

Yet another advantage that can be attributed to approval testing is that it provides a greater degree of understanding of how the code operates. Peeking at the outputs over time affords insights into the code logic that are possible when studying the code directly. This is because when there is a change of events such as disaster, people investigate and find out that the mental models they have were inadequate.

5. Facilitating Collaborations

Finally, the approval testing helps to improve the cooperation between the product owners, users, developers and testers. Expected output can be validated by program non-experts because one does not need to code to create a program. Because of this formulating the tests in terms of real outputs makes it easy to inspect and confirm them.


Approval testing is an automatic approach, which involves the comparison of outputs with the approved or expected values. The primary advantages include awareness of accidental modifications, easing the management of test approval alteration, enhancing the speed of auth creation, enhancing the understanding of the codes, and encouraging cooperation. Approval testing also results in efficiency, coverage, comprehension, and shared understanding all through the use of diffs and reviews.


  • Anusha

    Anusha is a skilled content writer with 5 years of experience in the industry. Specializing in creating compelling and informative articles, she has worked across various niches, including technology, healthcare, education and lifestyle. Her passion for research and knack for storytelling ensure that her content not only educates but also engages readers. she is dedicated to delivering high-quality, SEO-optimized content that meets with their audiences.

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